Online Classes

Students in Hamilton Virtual and throughout Hamilton Community Schools may select online classes.  Only full time students may take core classes in the areas of  mathematics, science, English, and social studies. Classes will be selected with assistance from administration and counselors to best meet the learning style, graduation requirements, and needs of the individual student. 

Every student taking online classes (core and electives) will be assigned a mentor teacher to communicate weekly about student's progress and/or content in the online class.   The student is required to communicate with their mentor teacher weekly throughout the school year.  All online classes are completed at the student's own time and place.  Some courses have due dates while others have pacing guides.  If a student falls behind, the mentor teacher will help develop a clear plan to assist the student with completion of the class.  Online classes can be worked on at home, library, or the school.  Students must complete all online classes.  

Some online classes provide optional learning experiences outside the online learning environment to supplement and enrich the online classes.   All online classes including those with optional experiences are offered and available to all students in every Hamilton Community Schools building.

Our Classes

K- 12 Music- Project Based Learning Online class with one partner

K-12 PE/Outdoor Recreation-  Project Based Learning Online class with one partner

K-12 Art-  Project Based Learning Online class with one partner

K-12 Foreign Culture Project Based Learning

K- 12 Kits/ Subscription boxes- Online Class

K-8 Outdoor Discovery Center Classes

Elementary Online Elective Options

Secondary Online Elective Options

New**2025-26 On Campus Classes

We are offering Bookshark for our main program for 2024-25.  Bookshark is a 4 day a week virtual program.  It is literature based program  and HVS will provide your child with all printed materials.  There will be some uploading of assignments and online work.

  We are also offering a hybrid program.  Students will come on campus Tuesday and Thursday from 8-11 to complete Bookshark curriculum with a certified teacher and other students in their level.  You can find more information at and Bookshark Information

If you would like to sign up to be a full time Bookshark student, please email Trisha Heap at

K-5 Core Options (Full time students, must take all 4 core subjects (math, science, language arts, and history)  Kindergarten is an exception.

  • Bookshark K-5
  • Calvert
  • Lincoln Learning
  • For Grades K-5: Optional science in person learning at the ODC along with an online class in Canvas.  Replaces the Bookshark, Calvert, or Lincoln Learning science class. 

Secondary Core Options (Full time students only.  Must take all 4 core subjects and meet graduation requirements.)

  • Edmentum classes. 6-12
  • Bookshark 6-8
  • Lincoln Learning
  • For Grades 6-8: Optional Science in person learning at the ODC along with an online class in Canvas.  Replaces the Edmentum, Bookshark, or  Calvert science Classes.