Student Support Coordinator

Student Support Coordinator Sarah Manner

Hello everyone, 

This will be my 6th year working at Hamilton Community Schools and my 11th year total working in education. Prior to becoming a Student Support Coordinator I was a classroom teacher for 8 years teaching various elementary and middle school grade levels. 

My role as a Student Support Coordinator is to help ensure you and your child have what is needed in order to be successful. I work with local community partners and resources to help support student and family needs that may arise throughout the school year. My goal is to ensure that your child feels safe and supported so they can learn successfully in their classroom. 

Outside of school I enjoy going on walks with my husband and our rescue dog. We both played college ice hockey and still enjoy playing recreationally now. We also are currently expecting our first child in October and are very excited to start our next steps of becoming parents and growing our family.

Contact Sarah: