Hamilton Middle School Standards Based Grading
What is SBG: Standards-Based Grading (SBG) involves measuring students on well-defined standards (Tomlinson & McTighe, 2006). An SBG system includes:
Clearly defined Power Standards
Clearly describing the different levels of mastery on each standard through proficiency scales
Intentionally providing multiple opportunities to practice knowledge and skills (classwork/ homework)
Intentionally designing assessments that accurately measure each Power Standard
Frequently communicating student progress via online gradebooks.
Formally reporting student overall achievement on standards via semester/end of the year report cards.
The purpose of grades is to communicate what the student knows and is able to do. (O’Connor, 2007)
Power Standards are ones in the gradebook and the students are assessed at the rigor of the standard. These will be communicated explicitly with students as part of instruction.
Skills4Success-may be put in the gradebook. These must be explicitly taught and assessed based on a proficiency scale.
Work Standard/Homework Standard-may be used to record practice completion (show timeliness and work skills)
This video helps to explain Standards Based Grading