A look at the new staff members present during 2023-24 new staff orientation on August 16!
Alissa Sweeney - Social Worker - Hamilton Elementary
Kaytlin Hildreth - Social Worker - Bentheim/Sandyview Elementary
Jordyn DeNeff - Resource Room Teacher - Bentheim/Sandyview Elementary
Kevin Annis - Teacher - Hamilton High School
Abigail Holm (Bramlett) - Teacher - Hamilton High School
Heather Garner - Teacher - Hamilton Middle School
Linda Page - Teacher - Blue Star Elementary
Anja Goolsby - Teacher - Hamilton Elementary
Nicole Ciganik - Transportation Supervisor
James Grooters - Student Services Coordinator
Brinley Nieuwenhuis - Teacher - Hamilton Middle School
Andrea Boeve - Teacher - Blue Star Elementary
Amanda Persinger - Teacher - Hamilton Middle School
Rachel Formsma - Aide - Hamilton Elementary
Paige Bosma - Aide - Blue Star Elementary
Preston Saycocie - Teacher - Hamilton Middle School
Anna Cason - Elementary Positive Behavior Support Coordinator
Welcome to the Hawkeye Family!