Blue Star Elementary paraprofessional Amity Pothoff has filled several roles around the school over the past 17 years. Mrs. Pothoff served as a teacher for nine years before taking some time off to spend time with her children, she has now returned for the past eight.
Of course, the role 'paraprofessional' can meet several different things but for Mrs. P, it means a little bit of everything. From reading and math groups, recess and lunch duty, fill-in secretary duty, and everything in-between, Amity does things with a smile on her face.
"I enjoy my job because I get to wear many hats," Pothoff said. "I get to work with students and staff and enjoy making all of the connections with students every day, whether it's when I open the doors every morning or when it's they need a band-aid, or if they need a little hug."
Like many, Pothoff fell in love with the town of Hamilton and the district because of the community.
"We love Hamilton, we appreciate the small-town feel, the opportunities our children were given and I enjoy the people here at Blue Star," she added.