Hamilton seventh graders Nate McAvoy and Cohen Polet have a unique responsibility every single day of the school year. It's a duty they signed up for and one they do not take lightly.
"We saw the American flag going up one day at a fundraiser last year and asked [Dean of Students] Mr. [Ken] Lentz if we could do that at school and he said sure, so here we are," said McAvoy.
Both McAvoy and Polet are in the local Boy Scout Troop 333 in Hamilton where they continue to learn different life skills.
"We are in the Boy Scouts and right now we're learning a lot of things that will help us in later life," said Polet, "Like how to create fire without a lighter and like what we're doing, raising and lower the American flag, I think it's pretty important for people to know."
While putting up and taking down the flag, the boys are totally focused on the task at hand. The duo whispers to communicate with one another and keeps their eyes on the flag at all times.
"It just seems like a nice thing to do," McAvoy smiled, "this is what Boy Scouts do, is just be the good. You have to have respect for the flag and our country, so folding it every day and putting it up and down it just feels nice."
The flag gets put up at around 7:35 every morning and taken down at 2:30 PM.
"It's America, it's our country, I feel like we need to respect it because that's how it should be," Polet added, "The least we can do is raise and lower the flag every day."
The boys were also featured by FOX 17 for all of West Michigan to see! Click here to view the video and article.
Hamilton Middle School duo raises and lowers American Flag
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