It's a project that has taken several weeks of work for all sixth graders at Hamilton Middle School. All students have to work with classmates in groups to help solve a driving question as part part of their partnership with local businesses. For Mrs. Chambers' homeroom class, their business was the West Michigan Regional Airport and the question was: "How can West Michigan Regional Airport attract more interest from school-aged children?"
After three visits to WMRA, the students had to put together a presentation on how to help the airport, which were presented at Cultivate Church in March in front of representatives from those businesses. However, the West Michigan Regional Airport was so impressed with what they saw that they invited Mrs. Chambers' entire class to present in front of their airport authority.
Group by group, the students went through their slideshows and explained why their idea would help bring more students to the airport, all in front of a panel of nearly 15 professionals.
"These are the people from the airport that make decisions about the future of West Michigan Regional Airport," said Hamilton Community Schools Work Based Learning coordinator, Ashley Meyer. "Hopefully, our students planted some ideas in their heads about future projects here at the airport."
The students say it was a valuable experience for their future.
"I think it was really fun and really cool because it gives us access to real life problem solving which will help us in future jobs, careers, and situations," said sixth grader Kendra Bosch.