Hamilton Community Schools recently received the following recognition for Multi-Tiered System of Supports successes in the 2023-24 school year from the MiMTSS Technical Assistance Center.
Congratulations on your ongoing efforts to implement a Multi-Tiered System of Supports(MTSS)! Specifically, your district has been recognized for MTSS implementation in the following areas:
MTSS Data Utilization
Your district has earned the MTSS Data Utilization award for collecting and using the District Capacity Assessment during 2023-2024.
In addition, the following schools in your district have earned the MTSS Data Utilization award for collecting and using MTSS fidelity data:
- Bentheim Elementary School: Reading & Behavior
- Blue Star Elementary School: Reading & Behavior
- Hamilton Elementary School: Reading & Behavior
- Hamilton High School: Behavior
- Hamilton Middle School: Reading & Behavior
MTSS Implementation and Impact
The following schools in your district have earned an MTSS Implementation and Impact award:
- Bentheim Elementary School - Tier 1 Behavior: Silver, Tier 2
Behavior: Silver, Tier 3 Behavior: Silver, Behavior Gold, Tier 1 Reading: Silver, Advanced Tiers Reading: Silver, Reading Gold
- Blue Star Elementary School - Tier 1 Behavior: Silver, Tier 2
Behavior: Silver, Tier 3 Behavior: Silver, Behavior Gold, Tier 1 Reading: Bronze, Advanced Tiers Reading: Bronze
- Hamilton Elementary School - Tier 1 Behavior: Silver, Tier 2
Behavior: Bronze, Tier 3 Behavior: Bronze, Tier 1 Reading: Silver, Advanced Tiers Reading: Silver, Reading Gold
- Hamilton Middle School - Tier 1 Behavior: Silver, Tier 3
Behavior: Silver, Tier 1 Reading: Bronze