Transparency Information

Section 18 (2) of the Public Act 94 of 1979, The State School Aid Act, has been amended, which requires each school district and intermediate school district to post certain information on its website within 30 days after a board adopts it annual operating budget or any subsequent revision to that budget. The Annual Budget and Transparency Reporting is an opportunity to communicate to our community on how we utilize the resources that are provided to us.

2024-25 Public Budget/Truth in Taxation Hearing - June 10, 2024

Board Approved Budgets

The Hamilton Budget is adopted in June and typically amended in February and May.  An "initial look" budget is developed in April for planning the next fiscal year.  The Budget includes the General Fund and Food Service Fund.

Budget 2024-25 Amended 2-17-25
Budget 2024-25
Budget 2023-24 Amended 6-10-24
Budget 2023-24
Budget 2022-23 Amended 6-12-23
Budget 2022-23

Continuity of Learning Plan

Continuity of Learning Plan

Mi Kids Back on Track 23g

Mi Kids Back on Track 23g

Section 98c Plan

Section 98c Learning Loss Plan

Section 98

Bentheim Elementary Section 98
Blue Star Elementary Section 98
Hamilton Elementary Section 98
Sandyview Elementary Section 98
Hamilton Middle School Section 98

This information is provided by the Michigan Department of Education and is based on the information in the Financial Information Database (FID).  The FID data is submitted by the District to the State after each fiscal year audit.

Personnel Expense 2023-24

This information is provided by the Michigan Department of Education and is based on the information in the Financial Information Database (FID).  The FID data is submitted by the District to the State after each fiscal year audit.

Operating Expense 2023-24


Current Procurement Policy


Current Expense Reimbursement Policy


2023-2024 Accounts Payable Check Register

The District has two employee groups which are organized or represented by an association or union.  The most recent collective bargaining agreements are provided.

Hamilton Education Association - affiliated with the Michigan Education Association (MEA) and the National Education Association (NEA) (Teachers & Professional Support)

Collective Bargaining Agreement with Teachers

Hamilton Custodial Maintenance Association - affiliated with the Michigan Education Association (MEA) and the National Education Association (NEA) (Custodians & Building Maintenance) 

Collective Bargaining Agreement with Custodians/Maintenance (2021-25)
Pay Structure LOA

The District is required to have its financial statements audited each year by a Certified Public Accounting Firm.  The most recent audited statements are provided.  The Michigan Department of Treasury also provides audited statements at its website:

2023-24 Financial Statements
2022-23 Financial Statements
2021-22 Financial Statements
2020-21 Financial Statements
2019-20 Financial Statements
2018-19 Financial Statements
2017-18 Financial Statements
2016-17 Financial Statements
2015-16 Financial Statements
2014-15 Financial Statements

The District is required to disclose the compensation of the Superintendent and any other employee whose salary is greater than or equal to $100,000.  The employees on the right are expected to have compensation exceeding $100,000 and their contracts or compensation information is provided.

2024 Employee Compensation Information

The District and some of its Employees are members of various Associations.  These Associations provide a variety of services to the District or its employees.

2023-24 District Paid Association Dues

The District does not pay for any lobbyist services or reimburse any lobbyist expenses.  From time to time, employees are consulted by State legislators for the impact of proposed legislation on the District.  Occasionally, employees may contact legislators or meet with them on issues vital to the District.  Some of the above Associations employ persons who are in regular contact with Legislators or the Governor.

The district has not incurred a deficit.

Hamilton Community Schools In The News

Mrs. Jill Koopman set for retirement after a lifetime of memories at Hamilton Elementary Koopman began kindergarten at Hamilton El in 1972 before going on to teach for 31 years in the building
Excitement Builds as Hamilton Elementary Students Tour New School Wing Classroom wing will be ready for the 2025-26 school year
HHS Unified represents at the Special Olympics Basketball Skills Competition Watch this video to see the fun our Unified basketball athletes had at SOMI!
Sparking his future! Dylan Loew welding his way to success at the Careerline Tech Center "It's really cool to be able to do this type of trade at a young age."