Volunteer (WISH) Program
Hamilton Community Schools Volunteering Policy
Hamilton Community School policy states that all adults participating in school activities, on and off school grounds, are required to complete the online profile and be approved. Volunteer Guidelines are available for review by clicking here.
Please note: Profiles are processed only during school days and may take 5 to 7 days for approval. Volunteers will receive an email when approval is completed.
Complete an online profile - **do not use Internet Explorer, please use another browser **
-Complete your personal information
-Include the school(s) you would like to be involved in
-Include your child's name, grade and teacher (teacher for elementary only)
-Check activities you are interested in helping with
All volunteer opportunities are posted online, you must be an approved volunteer to sign up. This includes helping in the classrooms, recess helpers, field trip chaperones, etc. Emails are sent out to approved volunteers announcing new opportunities! Once approved, you may also log in to the HelpCounter system (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) and see where you can help.
Please make sure your profile is up-to-date! Login with your username and password to verify your information. If you think you aren't receiving emails that you should be, please check your spam or junk folder. Email tweber@hamiltonschools.us if you need further assistance.
“Volunteering is at the very core of being a human. No one has made it through life without someone else’s help.” -Heather French Henry
Thank you so much for visiting! I hope this means you are interested in becoming a school volunteer or keeping your information current!
Volunteering makes such a huge difference to the students, teachers and volunteers. It shows the students that they are important and that school is important as well. Your support is crucial as these precious kids grow and work their way through school.
Volunteer opportunities are listed in HelpCounter, our volunteer software program. Only approved volunteers have access to sign up for activities to volunteer for. For the safety of our students, staff and other volunteers, only background checked, approved volunteers are allowed to be with students. Therefore, the only way to sign up for volunteering is through our software program. The safety of our schools and students is very important.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at tweber@hamiltonschools.us. I would love to help you get started or answer any questions you have!
Tara Weber
Hamilton Community Schools
District Coordinator of Volunteers
Tara Weber
HCS District Coordinator of Volunteers
4185 136th Ave, Hamilton
Like our Facebook page! Volunteer opportunities throughout the district will be listed there as well!