For Parents
Welcome to Hamilton Community Schools!
School of Choice Applications
If you do not reside in our district please submit a Schools of Choice form.
The Fall 2025 schools of choice window is May 8-June 6, 2025. If interested in Fall enrollment please wait to submit your school of choice form until the window opens.
If you are a non-public student participating in our shared time program you do not need to complete a SOC form.
Mail or email completed forms within the window to:
Amy Valkema
Hamilton Community Schools
Administration Office
4815 136th Avenue
Hamilton, MI 49419
Crisis/Grief Resources
In times of crisis or loss it is sometimes difficult to know how to help children deal with their feelings.
Below are some resources our counseling department has identified that would be helpful in working with children. Additionally, if school is not in session (for example summer break) and you would like to speak to a counselor please contact our Administration Office at 269-751-5148.
Moving to the District
While the district participates in schools of choice programs with other area districts, the best way to ensure your whole family experiences Hamilton is to move into the district. Click below for a map or the Allegan County parcel search to ensure that properties you consider are Hamilton (code 03100).
Allegan County Property Search
Ready to enroll your student?
Please complete our online enrollment form.