If you are the parent or guardian of a band student, YOU are a band booster. Meetings last approximately an hour. Please come join us!! The Hamilton Band Boosters is an organization comprised of band parents (of 5th – 12th graders) and band directors. Officers are nominated by fellow Boosters and elected annually.
The Boosters meet regularly to discuss issues related to the band program including budget & fundraisers, transportation needs, upcoming concerts & trips, band camp, uniforms and much more. The Boosters also keep track of student trip account balances.
Thank you to all of our sponsors who supported the Hamilton Marching Band: Al's Excavating, Ritsema Associates, Transmatic, Shoreline Services, Inc., Macatawa Plumbing, Haworth, and Meijer!
NEXT MEETING - April 14, 2025 at 6:30pm via Zoom. Anyone interested in joining can email hamiltonbbsecretary@gmail.com for the link.
Band Booster Meeting Minutes 1-30-25
Band Booster Meeting Minutes 10-29-24
Band Booster Meeting Minutes 8-28-24
Band Booster Meeting Minutes 7-15-2024
Band Booster Meeting Minutes 4-23-2024
Band Booster Meeting Minutes 3-18-2024
Band Booster Meeting Minutes 1-22-2024
Band Booster Meeting Minutes 10-17-2023
Band Booster Meeting Minutes 9-13-2023