Middle School Work Based Learning

Each grade level in grades 5-8 are focused on a high wage, high demand career pathway. Fifth grade is focused on Construction, Sixth Grade on Business, 7th grade on Manufacturing, and 8th grade on Agriscience and Natural Resource Management. Students in grades 5-8 are required to participate in learning activities that occur during the regular school day.

Work Based Learning Contacts


Ashley Meyer
Work Based Learning/Experiential Learning Coordinator

Mrs. Meyer can answer questions about business and community partnerships, district Work Based Learning opportunities and WBL curriculum.

Madeline Gentile
Business Department Teacher & Work Based Learning Advisor

Mrs. Gentile can answer questions about Co-op, high school Work Based Learning opportunities, and Work Based Learning graduation requirements.

In the News

Turning wrenches: Senior Connor Driesenga prepares his future at Careerline Tech Center "Hamilton has given me an opportunity to further my education and better prepare me for my future."
The revival of the Hamilton Middle School Greenhouse provides unique learning experience for students How Mr. Hickok and the HMS staff is utilizing the Greenhouse for fun and engaging STEM activities!
HHS Junior Evelyn Boeve building her future through Careerline Tech Center Construction Program "This program has shown me that I can do more than I thought I could"